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The Anglican Church of Australia Directory 2024/25

The Anglican Church of Australia Directory 2024/25
Compiled with the development of a personalised digital renewal form, clergy will now be able to keep their information valid on an ongoing basis and this will speed up the data verification process for forthcoming editions.

The Directory has been comprehensively updated with the help of the General Synod Office and Diocesan offices throughout Australia and includes:

Foreword from the Primate
How to use the Directory
The Office of the Primate
Chart of Australian Dioceses
Map of Australian Dioceses
• Bishop(s) and major office bearers
• Diocesan structure
• Parish/church list
• Clergy list
Churches, parishes and their clergy
Schools and Colleges
and more!
$80.00 + p&h ISBN 9781922441119
Order HERE
Purchasers of the 2024/25 edition will also have free access to the online Directory for the life of the print version. This is estimated to be two years.


Truly Called? Vocation in the Anglican Church

Truly Called? Vocation in the Anglican Church is for all readers who are interested in or curious about ordained ministry.

Bradly Billings has written a wonderfully accessible and instructive book. He successfully informs readers of the many aspects surrounding the call to ordained ministry in the Anglican Church, not only for those who are called, but also for those who undertake support roles in the wider church community.


Discerning a call to ordained ministry is much greater than marking skills or abilities on a matrix. It is the recognition of an ontological call of and by God that sits at the core of one’s being. It is a highly complex, private and public journey, that must be examined and affirmed by the wider Church. It is a lifelong journey of formation, being shaped and moulded to grow into the person God has created.

In this book, Truly Called? Vocation in the Anglican Church Brad explores the complexities of call and vocation to ordained leadership in the Anglican Church of Australia for both the enquirer, and those who might be privileged to accompany a person on this journey.

Brad specifically addresses an often overlooked, but essential aspect of this discipline. Knowledge of God, and deep, honest knowledge of self, or of one’s own personhood. When we truly love God then we can begin the interior journey of exploration of self, a journey that helps us to understand and recognise our calling, which may or may not lead to ordained leadership. However, it will lead to the revelation of which part of the divine dance of discipleship a person has been called to embrace.

The Right Reverend Denise Ferguson
Assistant Bishop
Diocese of Adelaide
Chair St Barnabas College Council

Buy Now
RRP $34.95 + p&h
ISBN 9781922441072




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An easy to use, web-based resource which simplifies planning and preparation for worship.
The Service Creator in epray allows users to customise all services from the APBA and insert the readings and collects. You can then export to a MS Word file for printing or import the MS Word file to PowerPoint.

The Service Creator also allows to you personalise services such as Baptisms, Weddings and Funerals with the names of the individuals. Printing personalised event booklets made easy!

Your epray subscription also includes copyright permission for photocopying, printing and data projection to use all copyright material from APBA, and Bibles references from the NIV and NRSV in public services.

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Truly Called?

Vocation in the Anglican Church